03 November, 2008

Tips score Biology

1. Paper 1

- read and think carefully.
- alert with negative word such as 'not', ' except' or wrong.
- answer question 1-25 first, then 26-40 and 41 -50.
- read, think, determine and blacken your option.
- estimate 1 question for 1 minute and 30 seconds
- recheck your answer, ensure all the questions answered.

2. Paper2
- Read carefully and thoroughly.
- give the specific name, organelles and so on.
- for question which started with " Explain..
( give the fact about the concept of related and followed by Explanation to support
your fact)
- if the question ask about the comparison. give similarities and differences. Table style is suggested.
- alert with mark allocated. Whether 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5 (structured question)
- if the question started with 'state'. give your answer directly and specifically.
- if you need to draw, drawing must be free hand, clear and labeled.

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